
It seems no one can help me now I'm in too deep There's no way out This time I have really lead myself astray Runaway train never going back Wrong way on a one-way track Seems like I should be getting somewhere Somehow I'm neither here nor there

2006年6月7日 星期三

瓦拉普 - 太陽的慈悲

昨天在公司發表了一篇電子報 也在這裡和大家分享一下。


又到了夏日炎炎,每個人都在討論防曬商品的時候。 在我為大家作一個完整的紫外線傷害與防曬成分的說明前, 先給大家介紹今天的主題 – 『太陽的慈悲』:


希望藉由美國知名近代女詩人 Mary Oliver 所做的一首詩『The Sun』,讓大家在憎恨太陽之前,先靜下心來回味一下那股暖暖的感覺!!!

Mary Oliver - 

The Sun Have you ever seen anything in your life more wonderful than the way the sun, every evening, relaxed and easy, floats toward the horizon and into the clouds or the hills, or the rumpled sea, and is gone-- and how it slides again out of the blackness, every morning, on the other side of the world, like a red flower streaming upward on its heavenly oils, say, on a morning in early summer, at its perfect imperial distance-- and have you ever felt for anything such wild love-- do you think there is anywhere, in any language, a word billowing enough for the pleasure that fills you, as the sun reaches out, as it warms you as you stand there, empty-handed-- or have you too turned from this world-- or have you too gone crazy for power, for things?

這首詩大意是說:『 我們很難見到比太陽更美好的事物、她的優雅、她的精確、以及她的無懼;當暖暖的陽光充斥著我們全身每個角落的時候,她的力量讓我們羞愧,她的無私也讓我們赤裸裸的反省,我們如何的對待這個世界 』。 


