《抗異味足爽粉》不是個很受歡迎的產品,也就是買的人不多,但她存在店裡很久的時間;店長查詢了員工購買紀錄,只有蘇珊珊長期有購買這項產品,如果不是她特別愛乾淨,就是她的腳可能 ………… 所以在蘇珊珊的協助下,我們公開《抗異味足爽粉》的5項特點是 :

1) 可直接在淋浴後用在腳上或是撒在鞋子裡去除臭味 (OK大家都知道)
Use directly on the feet after a shower or sprinkle inside smelly shoes to deodorize
2) 馬努卡精油可以幫助維持足部的衛生,同時精油香粉可以維持腳趾間的乾燥(大家也許都知道)
Manuka essential oil helps prevent athlete’s foot, while the powder keeps a dry environment between the toes
3) 所有Tinderbox的精油香粉不含鎂與矽 (大家都知道?)
All Tinderbox powders are free from mineral compounds such as magnesium and silicon
4) 可與鞋墊專用複方精油搭配做長時間的防護(這竟然只有蘇珊珊知道《見圖》,珊珊說當初看到新的體驗品就無意識的帶回家了~ 蛤 ~)
Combine with Scented Soles Blend for long-lasting protection

5) 足爽粉可與2ml的好狗命配方調和後一起用在狗狗身上,幫狗狗防蟲抗菌(這項建議真的很實用吧)
Add 2mL of Divine Doggy Blend and use it on your dog between baths for flea-free heaven

1) 可直接在淋浴後用在腳上或是撒在鞋子裡去除臭味 (OK大家都知道)
Use directly on the feet after a shower or sprinkle inside smelly shoes to deodorize
2) 馬努卡精油可以幫助維持足部的衛生,同時精油香粉可以維持腳趾間的乾燥(大家也許都知道)
Manuka essential oil helps prevent athlete’s foot, while the powder keeps a dry environment between the toes
3) 所有Tinderbox的精油香粉不含鎂與矽 (大家都知道?)
All Tinderbox powders are free from mineral compounds such as magnesium and silicon
4) 可與鞋墊專用複方精油搭配做長時間的防護(這竟然只有蘇珊珊知道《見圖》,珊珊說當初看到新的體驗品就無意識的帶回家了~ 蛤 ~)
Combine with Scented Soles Blend for long-lasting protection

5) 足爽粉可與2ml的好狗命配方調和後一起用在狗狗身上,幫狗狗防蟲抗菌(這項建議真的很實用吧)
Add 2mL of Divine Doggy Blend and use it on your dog between baths for flea-free heaven